Sunday, December 8, 2013

AHG & TLUSA - Baltimore Pointer

 Well it's finally official -- I have been accepted as a Ministry Expansion Lead (MEL) volunteer for the American Heritage Girls (AHG) and a Point man (PM) volunteer for Trail Life USA (TLUSA) here in the Baltimore, MD I-695 Area. I’m very excited to be able to work to help promote both of these Christ-centered faith-based youth programs to Christian organizations here in the Baltimore, Maryland Area.

Now the challenge is to recruit Baltimore Area Teams to promote and support these two worthy Biblically-base youth organizations.

So who's ready to serve together with us!

In these new roles I look forward with anticipation to work with other like-mined individuals to promote a Biblical world view. My desire is to help participate in the future development of an alliance between these two biblically-based youth organizations for the entire family unit. I see both AHG & TLUSA as organizations dedicated to reaching out with the Love of Christ to today’s youth and their families with a biblical world view. I’m proud to be affiliated with both youth programs.

Check out these links for more information:

Local Baltimore Area Information
National Information

Local Baltimore Area Information
National Information

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Trail Life USA -- Point Man

Pointing others onto a new trail...

...from my BSA WAY to Trail Life USA

I've greatly enjoyed my years in Scouting both as a boy and as an adult leader, and give thanks to many for their help, friendships and support, but sadly for me my current scouting trail is coming to an end.  In my previous post back in May (Fight or Flight), I truly thought I was going to battle public opinion and work with those within the BSA that support (or are indifferent to) the new membership change coming January 1, 2014, but I've since come to see I was wrong.

I’m not leaving Scouting – Scouting has left me! 

So today I've officially applied to become a member of the newly forming Trail Life USA organization as a Point Man.

As a Point Man my role is to oversee the development of a thriving youth outdoor adventure and character development program in a geographic area.  The Area Team is the local Troop’s point of contact for any and every need.  Skill set needed for Point Men:  organizer, strategic planner, influencer, recruiter. 

I will have much more to say about my trail in the days and months to follow on my Trail Life USA - pointer blog.

 May I be found Walking Worthy
 Eph. 4:1
 Together <iHs>< ~keith

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fight or Flight

In light of the new BSA Membership Policy this is my response to a recent Facebook message from a former boy scout from my early days as a young Scoutmaster.

He said “Being a former Scout I am totally in for support of a CHARACTER driven focus when raising boys (of which the boy scouts have abandoned)." He added the following link to a Faith Based Boys organization forming an alternative to the Boy Scouts, to become a leadership and character development ministry serving boys 5-18 years old. While I agree with his statement that Boy Scouts made a WRONG decision this week and disregarded a CORE PRINCIPLE (morally straight)”, I think we see two different possible responses, Fight or Flight.
I must first explain that today I am a Christian, but that belief didn’t happen into my thirties when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. So my belief came after both my boyhood days as a scout, and my early days as a young scoutmaster.  Nevertheless, I firmly believe that the foundation for my faith began as an eleven year old tenderfoot scout, at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, in Dundalk. It was there where I was first introduced to God. No, not through some direct religious training as a boy scout, but through the godly men and women that sponsored a non-Christian outreach to boys like me.
So I say today looking back, that it was at St Luke’s where I began to develop a lifelong love of God and Country. This love was born as a direct result of my involvement in the boy scouts. It was there that I learned a Scout Oath that still says – “On my Honor I will do my best, to do my duty to…” God and Country, other people, and then myself.
We all must remember that scouting is not a religious organization, but it is based on religious principles. As many as 70% of today’s units are sponsored by religious organizations, where the seeds of God’s Love and a Love of country can be caught rather than taught by those leaders around us.
I’m proud to say that through my membership in Troop 304, which is still sponsored by St Luke’s; I was confirmed as a youth; earned the rank of Life Scout; and served in various leadership positions.  After returning as SGT Wawrzyniak, from a three year enlistment in the US Army during the Vietnam conflict I continued working in various adult leadership roles. Today, I serve as an Elder in a church within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), I still love the ideals of my Country, and I serve as a Chesapeake District BSA Member at Large helping to keep scouters and scouting true to its ideals.
I have shared a number of fond scouting experiences in my youth with others, which I believe would have happened in no other organization. As a young adult, I especially enjoyed working with some fathers, as we shared a common bond as adults working in various leadership roles at Troop 304. Some of the men were of course Lutheran, some Catholic and other faiths, and some were without a faith.  At that time I was a nominal Protestant but I believe that we all shared a love of the scouting ideals of the duty to God and Country through our association in the Boy Scouts of America.
So while I agree that Boy Scouts made a WRONG decision this week and disregarded a CORE PRINCIPLE (morally straight)” I’ve come to believe that leaving my leadership roles in scouting will make it much easier for those using a different moral compass to more easily bend the ideal of being morally straight.
Today, if I was forced to pick one organization over the other, God’s Church over the BSA, there would be no contest. For me God come first in everything, I literally mean everything. But for me, in the great outdoors of LIFE, Boy Scouting is a place to experience the splendor of God’s creation as found in the Biblical teaching of our Creator through the universal church.
So is it Fight or Flight?
Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31 (NASB)

Together iHs and YIS
Edward “Keith” Wawrzyniak
District Religious Emblems Coordinator -
District Training Chair -

Friday, March 29, 2013

Viva la difference

Viva la difference!
An exclamation pertaining to the qualities that make the sexes unique.
There is a distinct and clear difference (not in mathematic terms) in how men and women are designed. Every branch of science from neuroscience to anthropology now confirms something the Bible has laid out all along. Of course, I believe that those differences are good and there for a reason: God planned a framework for what a man should be and what a woman should be, and our uniqueness is affected by how we live out that design.
Ever notice in marriage that opposites are attracted to each other? I’m convinced that it’s for our own completeness (the two becoming one). You have seen it, haven’t you -- one is a spender and the other a saver; one is talker (babbling brook) and the other a listener (dead sea); or one likes to read about something and the other like to see it -- Viva la difference!
Check it out this short video - We are so different…
But be careful, those same differences that bring two together can be the same differences that drive a couple apart, but that’s another story. So work together couples to, understand, appreciate, and celebrate our God given differences.
Also be careful of too many similarities! As I remember, the late great Larry Burkett, an American author and radio personality whose work focused on financial counseling from an evangelical Christian point of view, put it this way -- “The good Lord never put to similar people together, because if he did – one would be redundant.”
God made us both equal in status and different in our role
We learn in Genesis (in the beginning) of all the things God created, none is more meaningful than humanity. Men and women stand as equals at the climax of God’s created order.
Creation --Genesis 1:27-28 – God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
God created everything; and man gave names to all…, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So God created an intimate partner from and for man.
Completeness -- Genesis 2:18– Then the Lord God said,“It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”
Isn’t it refreshing to see here that the Lord knows what we need before we (Adam in this case) even think about it? Although the Bible doesn’t elaborate about Adam realizing he was incomplete, it does tell us God created Eve as a “help-meet” for Adam. A companion designed to be with man, and the man and wife remain together for their entire lives.
Companionship -- Genesis 2:24 – [Moses tell us] For this reason [Because of the way God designed marriage from the beginning] a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
God created this union of oneness (let’s call it marriage) and sex in marriage as God’s good gift for future generations, and designed for our pleasure, to meet our deepest needs for human companionship on this earth.
If you are interested in more of what God says about marriage read Ephesians 5:22-33, and become a marriage builder.

Viva la difference...and they shall become one flesh.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Celebrate Traditional Marriage

Join us on March 26 in Washington, D.C.

For a march to honor traditional marriage!


On March 26 as the US Supreme Court convenes to hear arguments in a case that could determine the future of marriage! We will stand united in Washington, DC to support marriage, religious liberty, and the right of every child to both a mom and a dad. Please help us spread the word about this important event to show support for marriage and family. Visit us online to find out how you can be a part of this historic event, and come stand with us in person in our nation’s capital on March 26 as together we march in support of marriage!
Learn more at and check this page frequently.
Please share this with your family and friends and THANK YOU for your support!