How many of us (more than are willing to admit) have walked down an empty corridor of life. A corridor, in our own minds eye that left us feeling all alone - in crowded places; feeling very unloved - in a world full of God’s beauty and His love for us. (John 3:16). A corridor that trap us in a life of (you name it), which seems to be a never ending routine of sadness and despair - with no hope in sight. But despite those negative feelings of self worthlessness and depression -- please know that many (more than are willing to admit) have gone before us and have found light, hope, and love from God’s believers.
For many like myself, the road to recovery is simply to look up to God for my strength (Phil 4:13), and look back to help those just starting their own lonely walk (Ecc. 4:10). So know that we can make a difference. A wise old Dr. Pastor friend once gave me the best prescription, “just to keep on going – taking your eyes off your own circumstances and reach out to help others”. Yes that's it! Know that other fellow travelers who maybe just a few small steps behind us can use the hope we tote. Try it, it really does work!
So now Marlene and I and some friends take another dose of this RX, as we start another adventure to reach out to others --Together
Check out the links above and if you’d like to walk with us to help others, just leave us a note on this blog or my Facebook site. We plan to deliver these Hope Totes to HUM on Sunday evening April 18th. This event is posted in Facebook.
Together In His Service ~keith
Photo used with permission by Melissa Taylor Ches
1 comment:
Hope Totes contain items like:
* Underwear - Large or Larger Boxers or Boxer Briefs
* Dental Care Items - Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Dental Floss, Denture Cream, etc.
* Deodorant - Stick only
* Undershirts - Large or Larger
* Lotion - Hand and Body Lotion, Body Powder
* Health Care Items - Antacids, Cough Drops, Vicks Vapor Rub, Band Aids, Q-Tips, Lip Balm, Nail Clippers, etc.
* Eye Care Items - Reading Glasses, Saline Solution, etc.
* Shaving Cream
* Soap - Bar Soap Only
* Hair Care Items - Shampoo, conditioner, Gels, Dressings, Combs, Brushes, etc.
* Razors - Double or Triple Blade
* Socks
* Samples Misc. - Small, Travel, or Hotel Sizes
* Foot Care Items - XL Shower Shoes (Flip Flops), Foot Powder, Athletes Foot Spray, Shoe Laces, Shoe Polish, Etc.
* Misc. Items - Toothbrush Holders, Travel Soap Dish, etc.
* Towels, Wash Cloths
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