This month Marlene and I begin a new <iHs>< adventure by starting Team Micah's JOY (Just Older Youth). We are attempting to organize a team of senior adults to help younger adults, that live first-hand with the challenges of raising a child with Autism. Please consider becoming a team member and walk with us, or donate to our efforts.
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Support one of Our Team Walkers
Autism Speaks is a organization dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, to funding research into the causes, prevention and treatments for autism, and to advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. It was founded in February 2005 by Suzanne and Bob Wright, the grandparents of a child with autism.

Our Walk Now Event - Baltimore, MD is Saturday, October 4, 2008 at Burdick Field @ Towson State University. Please consider becoming a team member and walk with us, or donate to our efforts. Together let's become a small part of this puzzle and experience the power of many individuals united by a single cause.

Life is Like a Train Ride. <-- All Aboard!
Life -- What a great ride from its beginning to end here on earth,
and then it's non-stop through all eternity,
with the God of the Bible as its conductor!
with the God of the Bible as its conductor!
From God Tube -- I'm In Here - The Anthem For Autism
It's a song from a personal place. I'm in Here
will touch people's hearts and help
raise funds and awareness for autism.
A known but not known enough cause of non-familial autism is older paternal age. This fact should be communicated to everyone.
PTL! This week, three individuals joined Team - Micah's JOY. Thank you, Cindy Marr, June and Helen Miller.
PTL! This past week we added two more walkers to the team, Christina (Tina) Vest and Cherie Brown. Go TEAM Micah's JOY! Also online only donations are up to $175. This does not include off-line cash and check contribution.
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