Friday, July 25, 2008

Fireproofing our Marriage

Hebrews 13:4a (NASB)

Last night Marlene and I attended a preview screening of FIREPROOF the Movie. To sum it up in one word, like men like to do -- This movie is HOT! Pardon the play on words, but this movie sizzles with the realism of the physical and emotional friction, sparks, heat, and fire produced in the daily struggles of married life -- especially when you or your mate are not truly committed to being partners for life. If you love a movie that honestly depicts both the problems and solutions of a real life issue like marriage, then you'll love this movie. Warning -- Be prepared to laugh, sing, and cry, as we both did.

So since we truly believe this movie will be a great tool that God can use to save and fireproof marriages, we Marriage Builders are making plans to organize activities for a Fireproof Your Marriage Weekend starting Friday September 26th. We hope you will join with us and perhaps even add an activity to our initial list, shown below?

Watch the official FIREPROOF movie trailer

The UPDATED (as of 8/18) Fireproof Your Marriage Weekend line-up of events are:


  • Some may attend the actual opeining premier showing of FIREPROOF the Movie and others may attend the Saturday matinee.


  • Meet on The Avenue at Lowes to get tickets 2:00 PM
  • Have Lunch at 2:15 PM @ one of several local restraurants
  • Attend the 4:15 PM showing of FIREPROOF the Movie
  • Dessert & Discussions either at Keith & Marlene's home or DPC (depending on group size). A followup group Bible Study and Fellowship to discuss the Biblical principles of marriage depicted in the Movie, and how to apply them in our own marraige. In addition we will discuss several tools that can be used to continue to buildup and fireproof our marriages.

Perhaps some of us this weekend may use this experience as a springboard to strengthen our marriage relationships using a six-session home-based Bible studies, individual couple studies, or a personal 40-day Love Dare, based on the The Love Dare devotional . Relationships are wonderful gifts given to us by God. As we read in the Bible, the most-intimate relationship is marriage between a husband and a wife.

FIREPROOF is the third feature film from Sherwood Pictures—the creators of FACING THE GIANTS and FLYWHEEL. With hope-filled, heartfelt storytelling, the movie making ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church continues to touch the world from Albany, Georgia.

Dennis Rainey, President of FamilyLife said, "Fireproof is going to do much more than entertain and stir hearts when it comes to movie theaters (this fall). This is a movie that will impact couples in a profound way for decades to come."

For more info about FIREPROOF, which opens in theaters September 26th. For great marriage resources, visit

Your spouse is NOT the enemy.
So NEVER leave your life-partner behind.

Check out this song and video clip on YouTube

It's from the movie by Warren Barfield - "Love Is Not A Fight"

Coming this Fall a six-week home-based Bible Study
Fireproof Your Marriage

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Micah Burns

This month Marlene and I begin a new <iHs>< adventure by starting Team Micah's JOY (Just Older Youth). We are attempting to organize a team of senior adults to help younger adults, that live first-hand with the challenges of raising a child with Autism. Please consider becoming a team member and walk with us, or donate to our efforts.

Team Member Registration
~~ or ~~
Support one of Our Team Walkers

Autism Speaks is a organization dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, to funding research into the causes, prevention and treatments for autism, and to advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. It was founded in February 2005 by Suzanne and Bob Wright, the grandparents of a child with autism.

Our Walk Now Event - Baltimore, MD is Saturday, October 4, 2008 at Burdick Field @ Towson State University. Please consider becoming a team member and walk with us, or donate to our efforts. Together let's become a small part of this puzzle and experience the power of many individuals united by a single cause.
Lord, may our efforts be like yours at the Pool of Bethesda; the house of grace, as the infirm are granted healing only by the mercy of others (John 5:1-16). The Bible teaches that God helps those who can not help themselves. For example, through Christ (the living water), God gives us the free gift of eternal life. Nobody can do that for themselves, apart from Jesus the Christ.

Life is Like a Train Ride. <-- All Aboard!
Life -- What a great ride from its beginning to end here on earth,
and then it's non-stop through all eternity,
with the God of the Bible as its conductor!

It's a song from a personal place. I'm in Here
will touch people's hearts and help
raise funds and awareness for autism.