Our current project working along with my good friend Keith Goodson is to lead a Crown Biblical Financial Study for Life Groups. The Biblical Study is a 10 week in-depth study of what Scripture teaches about money and possessions.
Life Group Members have confirmed that marriages are being strengthened and individuals are finding their way out of debt. They are also becoming consistent savers, generous givers, and prudent consumers. Most importantly, people are entering into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as they learn to apply His Word. Groups meet for 2 hours every week and meetings include Scripture memorization and interactive discussions. For more info. check the links section and click on Crown.
This is a excellent Bible Study on, why from the biblical concepts, and how from practical applications, to manage the material things God have provided us with. I highly recommend it for everyone. This study is for couples and individuals both young and old who want to fix their financial problems and also for those that want to avoid such issues.
Visit Crown for some inspiring Testimonials and the Helen Nelson video which is at The Heart of the Matter.
Our Bible Study is held at the church and in a home setting once a week in the evenings from 7-9 PM. The meetings began with an orientation on Feb. 23, with classes on Mar 8, 15, 22, 28; April 5, 12, 19, 25; May 3, 10. Hopefully we'll provide you some additional comments on this blog when we have completed our initial study.
Thanks to our first Life Group members, Marlene, Keith, Sylvia, Sue, & Michael, for making this possible by participating. Thanks also to my name sake Keith for co-leading our group. We hope that this is just the beginning of a number Crown Biblical Financial Studies for Life Groups, as we work together in His service towards faithful stewardship.
Today marks the mid-point of our first Crown Biblical Financial Study and I must say that it has been even better than expected.
Our study topic is Honesty - God's absolute standard of himself and of his followers. God lead us in the direction we should choose to go, that straight and narrow path. Proverbs 4:24-26
Along with today's study on the Honesty we will be fellowshipping together over dinner. I now realize why Crown calls these Life Group Studies. Not only have I been drawn closer to God, Marlene and I are now working closer than ever on our common financial plans and goals, but my unexpected bonus is learning and sharing our common strengths and weaknesses with other Christians trying to follow Christ, as best we can.
This Bible Study not only gives us the Biblical motivations in terms of "Why" and "What" we should do, it also provides tools and a systematic road map to know "How".
May we all escape the temptation of dishonesy, and be prepared to follow God's plan for restitution and restoration if we should slip.
Together iHs ~keith
Wow, where did the time go? Today we completed our ten-week Crown Biblical Financial Study with a fellowship dinner that included as our honored guests, Gary & Sue Derr.
Gary is the Greater National Capital Area Director and Sue serves as an Administrative Assistant, both working for Crown Financial Ministries. Gary and Sue work with area churches and lay-people to help them realize God’s plan for them in the area of finances and stewardship. Gary and Sue have been involved in some aspect of Crown Financial Ministries for over 20 years. Gary trained Keith and I back in January to be able to conduct this, our first Crown Life Group study.
I’m very pleased to say that all six of us, Michael Coursey, Susan Crigger, Keith & Sylvia Goodson, and Keith & Marlene Wawrzyniak successfully completed this study. We’ve all grown from where we first started ten week ago, and I pray that it doesn’t stop here.
For myself personally I know that by helping to lead this group I’ve learned so much more than I would have otherwise. It’s been a great experience, one which I plan to repeat again. In addition Marlene and I are now much more jointly aware of the temporary physical wealth we share with our family, friends, and others, and our spiritual and true wealth, which God shares with us forever.
Everything in the heaven and earth is yours, O Lord (I Chronicles 29:11, TLB). We are but His stewards.
Together iHs ~keith
I would recommend this study to everyone, single or married. It truly does give you the biblical perspective on how to handle your/God's money. The study we just completed was well worth the time and effort. Think about attending the next time the study is offered, you will be glad you did. Plus, you get to know some of the other people in the church you may not have had the pleasure of meeting before. No matter what your financial situation this course is beneficial to anyone interested in knowing how to be a good steward of God's money.
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