Your Invitation to
The GOD Provides Film Series
by Crown Financial Ministries
The GOD Provides Film Series
by Crown Financial Ministries
Please consider joining with us for a group Bible study to learn how our God Provides using the God Provides™ Film Series Experience. This study will be for seven weeks June 17 - July 29, during the Sunday School hour in the Church Library.
This learning experience
is more than short films. Along with a printed Companion Guide, each step is
carefully crafted to guide, support, and even challenges people along the way.
Lasting impact comes
when we engage all of these key areas:
- Our Heads – as we view and discuss the films
- Our Hearts – as we reflect on the personal implications of these stories
- Our Hands – as we apply our discoveries through meaningful activities
The Films
Through the God Provides™
Film Learning Experience, timeless illustrations will leap off the pages of
Scripture and into modern lives to teach how to faithfully live with trust in
God, the ultimate Provider. God Provides™ will move hearts and minds
with a message of hope.
Check out the film series trailer @
This film learning
experience offers a rich, dramatic journey through six theater-quality, epic
short films and printed Companion Guide that can be used for individual or
group study.
- Widow and Oil -- "What Do You Have?” (2 Kings 4:1-7)
- Jeremiah’s Call -- "God’s Design for Hope” (Jeremiah 29:1-14)
- Abram’s Reward -- "Making Major Life Choices” (Genesis 12-15:6)
- Abraham and Isaac -- "Mine or His?” (Genesis 22:1-18)
- Rich Man and Lazarus -- "My Heart Decisions Affect Eternity” (Luke 16:19-31)
- Lifted Up -- "My Hope for the Future” (John 3:1-17)
We Believe God Provides - I Timothy 6:17
Loch Raven Presbyterian Church
9318 Old Harford Rd. 21234 (410) 661-5777
9318 Old Harford Rd. 21234 (410) 661-5777