So Marlene and I are starting a new project in and around our community called LoveBags. We will be putting a little bit of love into some plastic bags. Today we purchased enough non-perishable food items to fill thirty-two one gallon zip locked bags with a variety of items, in hopes that we can make a small difference. All together we only spent $1.50 per LoveBag! So at least for awhile we will not be looking away at those intersections. Instead we will be looking for opportunities to share our LoveBags with others. And of course being Christians we will be also be adding a little spiritual food in our LoveBags also!
We will be posting addition info here to keep anyone interested in our efforts.
Together iHs,
~ keith & marlene
PS: Today, Sunday 8/2 four couples gathered to begin building 8 LoveBags each (total of 32 LoveBags). Our next step is to add some spiritual (love) food, and distribute them. Check back soon the see our experiences and the fruits of our efforts. Our Team consists of (left to right) John & Chris Mason, Sylvia & Keith Goodson, Bill & Elaine Eaton, and Marlene & Keith (behind the camera) Wawrzyniak.

UPDATE 4/2/10 Good Friday
A new set of helpers for our second batch of LoveBags
...and let us consider how to stimulate one another
to love and good deeds, (Hebrews 10:24)