We here at Dundalk Presbyterian Church (DPC) are pleased to announce that on Sunday July 6th @ 6 p.m., photographer Michael Clancy will be sharing his story and the controversy behind this, his photo of a lifetime about life. Michael will tell us just how this incredible picture of twenty-one week old baby Samuel, thrusting his tiny hand out of the surgical opening of his mother's uterus, has changed his life forever. A love offering will be taken for Michael Clancy.
We like many others, believe in the Sanctity of Life and that the unborn child’s life is worth our protection. For more info: Contact Us or check out our calendar and email invitation & reminder system
More info about Michael Clancy is posted at MichaelClancy.com
~~~~~~~ Here are related thoughts: ~~~~~~~
Check out Marlene's poem - Why
from her blog From my Heart & Soul.
For a Biblical insight read Chuck Swindels book
Sanctity of Life: The Inescapable Issue
Sanctity of Human Life - From Focus on the Family
Understanding the issues that affect your family
Life is Like a Train Ride. <-- All Aboard! Life -- What a great ride from beginning to end here on earth, and then it's non-stop through all eternity, when the God of the Bible is the conductor!
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is held on the closest Sunday to the anniversary of the Jan. 22, 1973 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize abortion in the Roe v. Wade case.